Click on the WPs boxes to see information about them

Click on the WPs boxes to see information about them
WP1 WP2 WP 3 WP 4


Work Package 1 will define the business cases, derive business models for these, and define a generic standard-based multiagent functional architecture incorporating building level agents and a Dynamic Coalition Management agent, on which each of these business models for the associated business cases can be mapped. For the field tests (WP4) this functional architecture will be mapped on a physical architecture by mapping it on the Swedish and Dutch context (country specific, current regulation).


This Work Package will start from sensor data driven building thermal inertia and comfort modelling, and use these models to determine a building level optimal day-ahead (heating/cooling) load profile forecast, as well as alternative comfort respecting profiles deviating from this optimal profile together with the associated cost.

In WP2, three very specific research activities are added related to 1) optimizing amount and location of data collecting sensors, 2) HP design optimized for offering flex services, and 3) standardizing a HP control interface for effective active energy management.

WP 3

Dynamic Coalition management agent including their implementation and simulation level testing and integration. This Work Package will use the optimal and alternative profiles from WP2 to determine an optimal coordinated setting for each of the buildings for each of the three main use cases / business cases related to local grid services we consider in this project (mitigate local RES curtailment, mitigate system-level RES curtailment by maximizing local excess power absorption, and local grid secure balancing services).

In WP3, a fourth research activity is added related to voltage correcting grid secure flex activations that does not need a grid model or power-flow calculations.

WP 4

Field Demonstrations will integrate clusters of building agents with a Dynamic Coalition Manager agent is ported to the field test locations in Sweden (with KEAB) and The Netherlands (Ecovat with subcontractor Enexis), where as a pre-check, validations will be done on VITO’s RTDS.